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Easter eggs and pets

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 1:04 pm
by Dot
Easter is upon us and we hope you've a cracking long weekend planned. While you're tucking into those chocolate eggs its important to remember to keep them away from your dogs!

Chocolate contains theobromine, a chemical that acts as a cardiac stimulant and can affect the lungs, kidneys and central nervous system of dogs. Small amounts of chocolate can cause vomiting, diarrhoea and unusual levels of thirst while large quantities can induce tremors, hyperactivity, respiratory failure and cardiac arrest. Either way make sure they don't get near your chocolate eggs, if you need to quickly eat them all you have our blessing!

The good news is they don't have to miss out on the fun - give them a raw egg instead. While lots of dog owners are sometimes cautious about feeding raw eggs to their four legged friends they needn't be! Lots of dogs love the taste of eggs and, if served raw, they’re full of nutritional value.